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universidade lusófona


Safety and clinical efficacy of dermocosmetic formulations containing biocompounds obtained from microalgae

PI André Rolim Baby, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

CBIOS Team members

Catarina Rosado (Co-PI)

From 2017 to 2017


Microalgae are eukaryotic, unicellular and photosynthetic organisms that have great potential for producing fatty acids, pigments such as carotenoids and chlorophyll, as well as other metabolites of interest in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. There are few records in the literature showing the use of microalgae in cosmetic preparations, and there is also no information on the safety and efficacy of these products. This project aimed to seek the biotechnological potential of two species of microalgae Neochloris oleoabundans UTEX 1185 and Ankistrodesmus braunni UTEX 245 aiming for their application in the cosmetics industry. Biomass and/or its biocompounds were incorporated into cosmetic formulations. The safety and efficacy of formulations were determined through non-invasive evaluation of the biophysical properties of the skin, conducted through the use of skin bioengineering equipment; and by the in vivo antioxidant/anti-inflammatory activity of cosmetic formulations containing microalgae using a methodology combining the application of methyl nicotinate and Laser Doppler flowmetry.

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Partners Entities

Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil ;CBIOS- Universidade Lusófona

Funding entities

Reference  FAPESP 16/22000-0