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universidade lusófona


Establishment of the safety properties and cosmetic clinical efficacy of nanostructured systems based on protein technology associated with rutin

PI André Rolim Baby, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

CBIOS Team Members

Catarina Rosado (Co-PI)

From 2014 to 2015


Nanotechnology (NT) is a generic term for techniques, materials, and devices that operate on a manometric scale and represents one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century; and has been considered a new industrial revolution. Nanoencapsulation of active antioxidant compounds represents a future perspective for the development of innovative photoprotective ingredients. Gelatin nanoparticles have been used to develop modified drug and gene delivery systems, as well as drug carriers to specific target sites in the organism. There is no record in the scientific literature of its use in topical application vehicles, intended for cosmetic use. The proposal of this project involved obtaining innovative gelatin nanostructures (containing rutin) for application in sunscreens. The safety and clinical efficacy of the developed nanotechnology platform were assessed by: in vitro skin penetration of gelatin nanoparticles containing rutin, in vertical diffusion cells, using the human epidermis as a biomembrane model; non-invasive assessment of the biophysical properties of the skin, conducted using skin bioengineering equipment.

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Partners Entities

Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil ;CBIOS- Universidade Lusófona

Funding Entities

Referência- FAPESP 14/05906-0