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universidade lusófona


Baguitas: Innovative Use of Grape Pomace for Sustainable Food Production

 PI and Co-PI: Maria Lídia Palma, Marisa Nicolai, Paula Pereira


Welcome to the forefront of sustainable innovation, where the by-products of winemaking transform into health-boosting ingredients for your everyday diet. Our project taps into the untapped potential of winemaking residues, rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, to revolutionize the food industry. Our commitment to health and sustainability drives our research, proving that these by-products can safely enhance human diets when processed into flour.
Our team's dedication to ecological stewardship and the principles of the circular economy has led to the creation of Baguitas, a pioneering food product crafted from this nutritious flour. This innovation not only captured the first prize at the Ecotrophelia 2021 competition but also claimed the prestigious Born From Knowledge (BFK) award, underscoring our impact in the field.
Currently, we are poised to take a significant leap forward by scaling up our production to industrial levels through a well-supported project. Join us on this exciting journey as we turn sustainable ideas into delicious realities, proving that the future of food can be both eco- friendly and incredibly beneficial for health.


Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Centro de Apoio Tecnológico Agro Alimentar (CATAA), Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Brasil), Universidade Federal de S. Paulo, Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV), Instituto Hidrográfico, Nova Medical School, Adega Cooperativa Carmim, Adega da Mingorra, Adega do Cerrado da Porta, Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia, Associação Técnica dos Viticultores do Alentejo (ATEVA), Herdade das Servas, Requinte Porto.

ISA  nova medical     nova fct        ipbeja     mixhidrografico       iniav          cataa 2atevamingorra   vidigueiracerradomingorraCarmimuniv federalusp



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"Baguitas": O alimento do futuro criado em Portugal, in Observador

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