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universidade lusófona


Training Fellowship in Ionic Liquids in Drug Delivery-2019

One training research position is available in the Applied Chemistry lab at CBIOS of Universidade Lusófona.

Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa Portugal (EU)
CBIOS (Lusófona’s Research Center for Biosciences and Health Technologies)

CBIOS is a research unit that currently has 30 faculty members, 16 PhD students, a wide range of external collaborators, and over 30 projects running (more at, producing interdisciplinary and translational research in 3 main domains:

  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics (where our lab is inserted)
  • Food Science and Phytochemistry
  • Systems Development and Delivery

Trainees in this CBIOS fellowship will have the opportunity to learn and practice a variety of techniques in the main domains of organic synthesis and pharmaceutical technology. This knowledge will be applied to the development of novel functional ingredients, namely Ionic Liquids, and to their use to optimize the release and/or stability performance of various delivery systems (of drugs and cosmetics).

Furthermore, the group’s research interests are diverse and range from the development of new delivery systems, to skin research as well as to the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of novel therapeutic candidates, and formulations, as well as non-drug products. Hence, candidates will have the opportunity to contact with several techniques in these main areas.

All candidates will be considered, although special attention will be given to individuals who have 1) a solid academic background including, if possible, special interest in organic synthesis and pharmaceutical technology, 2) good communication skills (written/spoken English) and 3) a keen desire to learn.

Candidates eligible for this CBIOS fellowship will benefit for a “zero” fees policy enjoying all the means offered to the university students. After the 1stsemester evaluation, facilitate access to our PhD (European Title) program in Health Sciences (partnership with U Alcalá, Spain) is possible.

Please send in a single PDF file, a presentation letter stating you research interests,  a cv resumé, highlighting qualifications, and three references able to confirm your capacities, to:

Luís Monteiro Rodrigues PhD, Director