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universidade lusófona


The evaluation of R&D Units of CBIOS by FCT was GOOD

Congratulations to all of us, U Lusofona and members of CBIOS.

The proposal for evaluation and funding of the R & D Unit submitted in 2017/18 to the FCT and evaluated by the panel in Health Sciences - Biomedicine and Molecular Biology was GOOD - a result that, despite falling short of our best expectations, recognizes the enormous effort made to produce and apply relevant knowledge, for the Country and for the World, here in our University, due to our competence and commitment.

“The FCT Panel was impressed by the environment created by the current investigators and detected enthusiasm among the postdoctoral fellows and the PhD students. The researchers are offered practical guidance and engendered a culture that appears to have established a young and dynamic group of people. Together with the energy of the laboratory heads, this bodes well for the CBIOS going forward”. (

This classification allows us to count on the proposal of Basic Funding and Programmatic Financing that will be essential to boost quality research in the CBIOS. Again,

Congratulations to all of us, U Lusofona and members of CBIOS.