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universidade lusófona


COST actions-associated meetings

Researchers Nuno Saraiva and Ana Fernandes participated in April in the organization and as speakers at the COST EuroCellNet action meeting on "Mechanobiology of migrating cells: From Basic Science to the Clinic" (

The researcher Patricia Rijo was in the organization and scientific committee of the last meeting of COST ACTION CM1407, on February. At this meeting, Marisa Nicolai, PhD student Epole Ntungwe and Vera Isca also presented works performed at CBIOS.

Several CBIOS researchers participated in meetings organized by COST, namely the 1st Winter Training Academy under the COST action, DARTER on the subject "Chemistry and Nucleic Acid Therapy" and "Darter Kick Off meeting, Delivery of RNA Antisense Therapeutics, the meeting of the NutRedOx action addressing the "Natural Products and the Hallmarks of Chronic Diseases", and the meetings on "Challenging Organic Syntheses Inspired by Nature: from Natural Products Chemistry to Drug Discovery" and "New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multi- drug resistant ".