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universidade lusófona


Nuno Maulide @ Universidade Lusófona

Invited Professor Nuno Maulide of CBIOS at Universidade Lusófona, will present several talks and workshops during the month of may: All events are free, but registration is mandatory.

May 18th, 10h00 - Room number U. 0.9

  • Workshop with themed seminar, followed by a work group focused round table. (only open for potential ERC candidates)
  • “Seminário com Nuno Maulide: Como escrever uma proposta ERC de sucesso” - Seminar with Dr. Nuno Maulide: How to write a successful ERC proposal.
  • Public: Open to the entire ULusofona community

May 19th, 10h00 - Room number S. 0.10

  • Workshop with themed seminar – “Inovação em química orgânica: da indústria ao empreendedorismo” - Inovation in organic chemistry: from industry to entrepreneurship
  • Public: Open to the entire ULusofona community

May 25th, 10h00 - Agostinho da Silva Auditorium

  • Lecture: “O fascínio da Química: soluções para os desafios da sociedade” - Fascinating chemistry: Solutions for society's challenges
  • Public: Open to the entire national scientific community

May 26th, 10h00 - José Araújo Auditorium

  • Open lecture focused on the curricular unit: Quimica Medicinal Orgânica (Medicinal Organic Chemistry)
  • “Desmistificando a química orgânica: do cabelo até aos aromas passando pelo enxofre” - Demystifying organic chemistry: from your hair to aromas passing through sulfur
  • Public: Open to the entire national scientific community

More information:

All events will be presented in a hybrid format.