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universidade lusófona


HYGIEIA: Promoting Health and Well-being across the lifespan


PI Catarina Rosado

CBIOS Team Members

Ana Fernandes (Co-PI)


COFAC/ Universidade Lusófona (Coordinator, Portugal),

University of Balearic Islands (Partner, Spain)

University of Belgrade (Partner, Serbia)


The HYGIEIA Project aims to bring a ground-breaking educational project providing scientific knowledge and competencies that are applicable in risk prevention (rather than treatment) health strategies. This is achieved through non-pharmacological approaches: Nutrition, Lifestyle education and thoughtful use of Cosmetics, Food Supplements and Digital Tools, accomplishing the potential synergies that can be established when a holistic approach is used. HYGIEIA will involve student mobility in Lusófona University (Portugal), University of Balearic Islands (Spain) and University of Belgrade (Serbia), and multiple opportunities of interaction with industry and stakeholders belonging to its global Associated Partners network.


The Hygieia Conference

HYGIEIA wrap-up meeting in Mallorca


European Union/ Eramus+ Key Action 2- ERASMUS MUNDUS DESIGN MEASURES

Referência- Erasmus2027 programme under grant agreement No 101049786